Poverty, misunderstanding of laws, corruption, demand and devolution, influx of population main elements causing land squabbling Land is an important natural resource, economically, socially and politically yet a finite resource requiring sustainable utilization. Land remains a contentious and problematic issue in Kenya, particularly land held in areas predominantly perceived as the traditional home of a community. It is a vital resource to rural communities in Kenya as it is the source of their livelihoods. Kenya has an area of approximately 582,646 sq. km, 97.8% of which is land. Only 20% of the land is arable while the rest is mainly arid and semi-arid land. The arable land, is occupied by 75% of the country’s population meaning that only a small percentage is available for productive use. In 2004, the Ndung’u Report laid bare the extent of land grabbing in the country. . The precedence was set by the colonial government when it enacted the Forfeiture of Lands ...