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Showing posts from January, 2024

Opinion||The two third gender in our today's politics- Wajir on the move to strengthen in realization of women liberation throw leadership, undeniable factor & a Pilar to 2027

Not more than two-thirds of the members of elective public bodies shall be of the same gender," Article 81 (b) of the 2010 Constitution dictates. In Wajir county in the recent years there was urge of women empowerment through political process, women have been in forefront of taking or championing their rights - they stood firm to echo their voices. They shelve their traditional ways, the went against the odd, break the stereotypes and descrepany - of women are for the kitchen. in 2022, the political journey in Wajir history things were different mainly women heavenly making breakthrough in the political stands, they weight huge percentage in the negotiating table - women draft and craft their political structure, they come up with women caucus to strengthen their political mobility, this helped them in achieving a lot. In the last general election women in Wajir have show case a memorable setup - many aspiring candidates shown interest - Today Wajir has two elected members of cou...

POLITICS #Constitutional amendment be fast-tracked to scrap MCA position - failed their duty,wage bill -Assuming an MCA spent Ksh.5 million on the campaign trail, it would take him 12.5 months to recoup his money using the Ksh 400,000 average monthly pay.

 On August in 2022 Kenyans went to the polls to elect their preferred POLITICAL drive Will who will be representing them in Parliament - from the county politics to the much hyped national set-up.  on the eve of the this electioneering period 2022 no stone left unturned to make sure every strategy,plans and schemes works for better or against any affiliation that hard more tough ways of luring voters. Under the new dispensation everyone Kenyan have to elect six (6) slots of representation - the MCA position is least political structure -  Rer wajeer went to the poll making their own legitimate decision, we elected 30 MCA across the county - we hoped for service delivery, they fulfil their campaigns pledges our expectations was high, today that rays of hope is withering off, what we see is a sihihoutee. Today our MCAs failed constitutionally, They don't even able to execute their mandatory stipulated functions - representation legislation and oversight - since elected the ...


GoiningAgainstTheGrain  With hardwork, dedication anything is possible in life. When we observe our history, we see that there are entrepreneurs who are famous for their work worldwide. Entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, etc. were college drop-outs and still managed to perform miraculously well in their chosen fields of interest. They have become an inspiration for the world. Hence, it is proven that achieving success does not depend on our age, time, and high educational qualifications. Although, gaining basic education is a necessity, but achieving success majorly depends upon our dedication, innovation, and hard work. One such person, who took the time to start his career but is a popular name today, is Ahmed Mukhtar. Ahmed Mukhtar’s early life Ahmed was born on 14th December 1988 in Mogadishu, Somalia. He was raised in North West London by his parents. His father was a bus driver and his family had always faced a financial crisis. Being born in such circum...

Somalia rejects mediation with Ethiopia gov’t over Somaliland port deal

S omalia said on Thursday there was no room for mediation in a dispute with Ethiopia unless Addis Ababa cancelled a controversial deal with the breakaway region of Somaliland. Tensions in the Horn of Africa have escalated after landlocked Ethiopia reached a memorandum of understanding with Somaliland on January 1 that gives it access to the sea. “There is no space for mediation unless Ethiopia retracts its illegal MOU and reaffirms the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Somalia,” the country’s foreign ministry said in a statement posted on its official social media accounts. The comment comes after the African Union’s conflict resolution body on Wednesday discussed the crisis and called on the two countries “to exercise restraint, de-escalate and engage in meaningful dialogue towards finding a peaceful resolution of the matter”. The eight-country trade bloc Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) is also holding an extraordinary summit in Uganda on Thursday on the Ethio...
 Religious's Healing Sheiks: Faith or Fiction? Wajir — As mushrooming of religious healings are growing in size and number in our county the so "Cilaaji" a term sometimes our Somali community call it " Quran Saar" they have created a growing number of followers  and sects. scholars across the two concern Muslim bodies - supkem and Council of Culumas few days ago cast a spell of sanction, closing down the Abraar center that was located in makoror which created a public outrage either that are for the closure and some blaming the government led by Ahmed Abdullahi a case that has no tangible evidence of his involvement it's just as the political pendulum that are choreographed by individuals. That a side the scholars actions is a thing that we should support despite different people have different opinions and understanding of the facts - yes it's acceptable for a Muslim to use Quran for a treatment, it has it's own unique way of doing it - clearly stat...

The incoming boundaries review should be a leeway to peaceful, unity and development but not a clandestine tribal conflicts- boundary changes won’t determine election fate

  The impact of a redrawn constituency map will be dwarfed by other electoral forces The redrawing of constituency boundaries is always a contentious issue. MPs who thought they had a safe seat can find their political careers put in peril by a seemingly arbitrary line drawn across a map. Parties worry about whether the changes might make it more difficult for them to win an overall majority. The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has been dysfunctional since the August 2022 General Election. Article 89 of the constitution requires the commission to review names and boundaries of constituencies at intervals of not less than eight years and not more than 12. Further, the commission is mandated to review the number, names, and boundaries of wards periodically. But the number of constituencies must be maintained at 290 as stated in the constitution. The last delimitation or fixing the boundary was conducted in 2012. In 2012, complaints were raised regarding...

#Opinion| The scourge of drugs in Wajir, youth wallowing into extinction-Drug and substance abuse are a menace we should tackle now

In the recent years security agencies have been on the led to fight against smuggling of drugs, they have nabbed tones of bhang worths millions - Wajir is becoming a center of drug dean , each day individuals smuggle in kilograms of bhang most used drug is "cannabis" which is ferried from Ethiopia " shashamane"- with unguarded or unmanned roads which ease the transportation of this commodity. Wajir's proximity to Moyale and Ethiopia, which it's close and shares border, meaning that it's a major transit route in the lucrative drug smuggling trade,that's one reason. On across the county,from villages in the lush green countryside to bustling towns , young men huddle together in makeshifts, under trees,cemeteries, abandoned buildings or plain fields, smoking, snorting or shooting up. making a prompt sneak to Wajir town or even outskirts, villages it's very clear enough everywhere there plenty of drugs - the accessibility of all types of drug from bh...