Opinion||The two third gender in our today's politics- Wajir on the move to strengthen in realization of women liberation throw leadership, undeniable factor & a Pilar to 2027
Not more than two-thirds of the members of elective public bodies shall be of the same gender," Article 81 (b) of the 2010 Constitution dictates. In Wajir county in the recent years there was urge of women empowerment through political process, women have been in forefront of taking or championing their rights - they stood firm to echo their voices. They shelve their traditional ways, the went against the odd, break the stereotypes and descrepany - of women are for the kitchen. in 2022, the political journey in Wajir history things were different mainly women heavenly making breakthrough in the political stands, they weight huge percentage in the negotiating table - women draft and craft their political structure, they come up with women caucus to strengthen their political mobility, this helped them in achieving a lot. In the last general election women in Wajir have show case a memorable setup - many aspiring candidates shown interest - Today Wajir has two elected members of cou...