THE NORTHERN LEADERS A COMPROMISE OR INTEREST ORIENTED INDIVIDUALS- political hypocrisy,the mask of power THAT never give back
opinion American political journalist Michael Gerson says that political hypocrisy is "the conscious use of a mask to fool the public and gain political benefit". Two days ago Northern parliamentary groups convene a treat that they will discuss, deliberate issues are so concerned to the region - The question is that was this convention a honest, important, deliver an implementable actions and bring a solution to our long protracted problems we are facing as residents of this part of the nation? Yeah it's a noble step for these leaders to come together to dissect things are so touch to us but one thing as i outlined above are they are honest? We know for years our region was a theater of misconceptions, blackmail, injustice, backwardness and hotbed of crisis. We know our political journey in this part of the region; mandera, Wajir and Garissa is based on negotiated democracy, a SULTANET based of structure (clandestine syndrome) - under this s...