OBAMA'S VISIT TO KENYA WHAT DOES MEAN TO KENYANS AND THE PROLONG POLITICAL HURDLES WITNESSED On his visit presidential visit 27th July 2015 Obama give hope to many Kenyans giving a powerful speech that strongly touched the hearts of hopelessness youth- he uniformly tackled more on unity,corruption, bad governance,terrorism, women empowerment, balkanized politics,the root to out of preventable diseases. “We have not inherited this land from our forebears, we have borrowed it from our children.” So now is the time for us to do the hard work of living up to that inheritance; of building a Kenya where the inherent dignity of every person is respected and protected, and there’s no limit to what a child can achieve." On this second visit to Kenya comes when the Nation face huge threats of corruption, threat to climate change ,political division despite the recent March handshake by the two political rivals who long kept far to come together but t...