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Betrayal of the people’s trust, They use,dump and march on

 In 2022 residents of wajir from all walk of life queue to vote their leaders in different position, a race that put many in hatred, cut ties, and even some burried as result of superstition politics of vengeance and tribal clandestine.

Politics to many is a dirty game but for me covering, commentating for decades it’s a very important in our life and its a natural phenomenon- reflects or It affects all of us directly or indirectly ,has effects in our existence and permeates every single walk of life, whether it is social, scientific or religious- has potential pattern that either galvanize or bore a cliche of repeatitions -  politics it involves in all structure of life several meanings, its the art and science of government, the management and conduct of government as a business or profession - politically several  methods are used to  maneuvers, especially for gaining or keeping power through scheming in  dishonesty; political activities, practices, or policies, political principles, values or opinions and  the complex of relationships (involving truth and trust) between THE PEOPLE, especially as it involves the authority or the rule of power. No iota politicians dismantle family, unity of the community in crafting divide rule tactics to strech their political hunch. The majority versus minority puzzle this also is skwed practise thus easing a well of egocentric.

Undoubtedly from the above, we see that politics can be, and often is, a method of gaining or keeping power. Sometimes there is also the suggestion that such is achieved by trickery or dishonesty; all this coupled with relationships between people, especially those in power or who manipulate authority. In other words, politics, that is supposed to be hinged on accountability and the truth, is now sullied, and in the end perceived as a dirty business.

Politicians lack true mettle 

As one who has been on the lane to report, write or witnessed or affected by politics ( through community based evidence ) it inadvertently sucked into its partisan affairs because of the political journey, I have been able to get up close to and be personal with many politicians.

I was able to observe, on a regular basis, their strengths and their many shortcomings. I have also done lots of personal political research over the last decades, and so I think I am able to comment a little on what has been happening in MY County's politics. 

Firstly, it appears that none of the politicians for the last few decades, who have come to the attention of Rer Wajir, has displayed any consistent  degree of loyalty to either his or her party and, especially, to THE PEOPLE, whom they are supposed to protect and serve. Decades of political hypocricy,decades of sufferings, the dreams of the voters were stoned to death, promises broken, life of despair and horrible - what they hoped for ends in vain . Voters are left to search for water, mothers left in the sun, youths struggling to get jobs a masses in hotbed of crisis,very unforgiving and regrettable .

Where are the billions allocated to bring changes? Where  is the constituency development fund today its one man monies who spent anyhowly he wants through paying the political sycophants, campagain funders ,few millions remain it goes to their personal pocket,to safeguard their interest, constituencies are left as political orphans, few are favoured. Where are the funds for Rural Electrification  funds? funds for roads? funds for water? funds for women and youths empowerment?

 Over 2.2 Billions annually for the mps they thought we don't know whenever asked for accountability and development  they sum up no enough funds . No drugs in the Hospitals,children dropping schools very grey situations.

 In my world, that opens up a case for treason, and that act diminishes their CREDIBILITY and TRUST, and opens the door for their political demise, and for all the others who are dishonest.  From all this, we were forced for years to put up with and harbor a climate of mediocrity; in choosing candidates and representatives, we had, most occasions, to choose from the best of the worst. The replica of negotiated democracy coated with closet clan based politics.

 Some have suggested that when a politician abandons the party to which he/she swore allegiance and sucks up to the leader of a competing party, then that politician has abandoned his/her principles and the platform on which he or she competed and won an election, and ought to resign and seek office through a by-election.

That principle seems to be lost on those who have given up the ship in favour of succor from a former hated political enemy, and to those who have been compromised on the altar of cowardice, greed and selfishness- politcal conmanship caused hugely as residents of Rer- Wajeer.

Making a choice

It has long been my contention that people who truly love their county (peoplea,voters) are attracted to a political party because of its ideology and then its principles.  Granted, there are some who fall all over themselves as they rush to endorse and then support a particular candidate, simply for their narrow personal gains. Such a vain thought is dangerous, as it tends to undermine the basis of serious consideration for how the politician will govern.  Benefits for a few party loyalists cannot assure good governance.

There are those, one supposes, who thrive on ignorance and simply go along with the flow, gleaning all that they feel they need to know by reading the mass media or listening to the twisted views of their earthly masters as expressed on radio talk shows or rehearsed speeches on television, the one medium that can distort and divide more than truthfully inform- the public aura has been ignored by the politicians through igniting a fellow social media battalions to defend the go day administration,leaders, few residents who come publically to call for accountability or show of discomfort they are silently sanitized either tribal or clan kungfu syndrome or they are quarantine by the said tribal elders cocoon associate.

These people bring hardship upon themselves and to the honest, right-minded and decent citizens. They care little or nothing about how to seriously decide on which party would best serve in their interest and best help to develop the county in the interest of all the people. 

An example might be a citizen who is swayed by the charisma of the political leader(s), their catchy but divisive phrases, or who sees ‘beauty’ in the logo of a certain party. These people do not take the time to investigate each party’s credentials, weigh its policies on nation building, check out its track record, then see how each indvidual (party) fits into his or her personal perspective of what constitutes solid grounds for support at the polls- the politics of gerrymandering ,lack of knowledge( iliteracy is high, corruption, solicitation, rig elections ) citizen are left compromised.

Then, once that has been decided, they ought to have a look at that party’s candidates. Eloquent speakers and the most intellectual should not be the main considerations, but PERSONAL MORALITY, INTEGRITY, CREDIBILITY CONSISTENCY,EDUCATION and SPRITUAL values, coupled with an honest desire to serve ALL THE PEOPLE not a wicked interest oriented indvidual.

Going against the grain raising the bar, lets think out the clan or tribal

It is abundantly crystal clear that some of the politicians in the news now or in the recent past have neither personal principles nor an honest desire to serve the public. Their stupidity, uncaring actions, rhetoric, inconsistencies, arrogance, inability to listen and to take constructive criticism, their dangerous contempt for God and man, their secret switching and betrayal of parties and abandoning the national and people’s interest,  makes them out to be plain opportunists who put personal advancement ahead of their devotion to truly serve their county/people.

A warning to all opportunists:  God’s word will come to pass, and God will not be mocked. The knowledgeable youths of today will not be subservient like those of the past; they are more informed and motivated, thanks to the social media, the cable news channels, to the handful of dedicated activists and strong God-fearing citizens that are not afraid but have spoken (just like the people of the Arab Spring) and are willing to put their lives on the line in standing for political accountability, true democracy and their God-given rights and freedoms.

These political shortcomings and blunders must be nipped in the bud.  The bar of individual political standards must be lifted instead of being lowered for there to be any national progress, and we must find pragmatic ways to hold these careless politicians to account, if our nation is ever to be a truly independent and democratic state. Candidates and representatives must be assessed on a quarterly term basis, and laws must be put in place for recalls and replacements.

 In short, too many of our politicians are traitors to the people’s cause- lets call for accountability, get answers as stipulated in out loving constitutional set ups. 

For 2027 elections its not far dear citizens if we need development ,progress we must weigh heavenly any leader( aspiring) sieve them before shouldering with power, remember that power,privilege is the same they use to muzzle our hopes.

Finally a call to leaders, able citizens as the dry spell begins lets stand up for our brothers and sisters in the villages,herders who are grappling with lack of water, county leadership should embark on water tracking, distribution of food.

 Also the provision of bursary to school going children, giving meals- leaders should talk to school administration not to chase children - with that humanity call we can all take up.

God bless wajir county


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