(As for) those who take a small price for the covenant of Allah and their own oaths - surely they shall have no portion in the hereafter, and Allah will not speak to them, nor will He look upon them on the Day of Resurrection nor will He purify them, and they shall have a painful chastisement.” (Surah Ali-‘Imrān 3:76-77)
“O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do? It is most hateful to Allah that you should say that which you do not do.” (Surah as-Saff 61:2-3)
What kind of leadership do we want to see in the world today .And why are so many leaders falling short of our expectations?
As we suffer the consequences of poor leadership worldwide, questions are increasingly being asked about those in power. Abraham Lincoln famously said: ‘Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.
There is something about power that affects the human condition unlike anything else. It has an uncanny ability to change people, their behaviour and their actions, which in turn says something about their character. Power placed upon a weak character corrupts absolutely.
We clearly live in a time when the world is demanding better leadership, whether one looks in the ‘East’ or the ‘West’. Widespread dissatisfaction with corrupt and unjust leadership and the breakdown of trust in many leaders and institutions is clearly visible through the media, and in society generally.
We are promised each electioneering good roads, well equipped and well-staffed hospitals, jobs for people, improved living standards equalities, employment ,cohesiveness, unity ,zero corruption But that has remained a mirage since Kenya attained independence.
As we fling towards mid of 2022 the daunting task of fulfilling their pledges and mending the broken fabric of a nation within just less 895 days is a matter in question.
The period represents the sum total of the elected leaders remaining days in office – from today to August 8, 2022, when their terms officially ends as provided for in the Constitution.
With many of the promises made by the current leaders in 2017still a long way from being fulfilled, North eastern leaders especially Wajir County are facing with the challenge of insecurity, corruption, locust invasion that is a bigger threat to food security, crisis in education sector, hopelessness in health services, lack of clean water,climate change,development and upbeat of third liberation of Kenya under the building bridges initiative- is the agenda panacea for the region?
To those championing for BBI agenda its totally a doomsday for us why ? The BBI narrative is more of political meandering, political oriented for politicians to survive it's not the narrative the North eastern leaders peddle or chest-thump as put a messiah that will solve all perennial problems in the region. Their quest for position in the political spectrum to survive if 2022 battle never favour them.
If honest if they are for the development, progress of the common residents for long they could put their support ,commitment in tackling all contentious issues affecting the region.
From realization of devolution we have seen challenges hampering the sole objective of - with runaway corruption,nepotism, tribalism, favoritism, kick back tender orientation they remain unconvinced to set in to safe the common citizens- almost 300 Billion since devolution take its course still we are wallowing in hopelessness and limbo.
If we set back our minds the aforemention of the lie of our leaders no ioat that they failed in their actions.
On the campaign trail when this leaders traverse our villages they woe us that they will fastrack a better life once elected, they will empower community fully without fear or favour,execute a marshal plans that ease progress and development opportunities across the region.
It's two years to the election having those pledges realized is more of daunting and more of mirage.
In wajir County the gubernatorial candidates made a quite promises for example the current governor promised to youths that once he is elected he will develop a handful projects that will support youth- construction of stadium few years down the line such dreamful is more of a pipedream.
Youths remain marginalised in almost in all aspects of life, they were hoodwinked with fake promises during campaign trails little they know they were a paddle to cross over to the other side - they were left in despair,struggling in pain forcing them to drugs abuse and substances or even turn to be social media mafia incitors- "paid in handouts for sycophants " .with those helped in recruitment or given contracts are under mercy of tribes and clan.
People with living disabilities are more disadvantaged left in worries, subjected into horrible situations- not catered at all.
Women too are receiving end of poor leadership syndrome- with their Hope's sealed ,they are forced to seek their daily breads in the scorching sun further beaten up by kanjos "Town Askaris" .our mothers selling their milk,groceries, firewood at inhumane conditions- no proper structures despite paying their tax.
The oversight power house that is the County Assembly failed too in protecting the masses from the jaws of bad governance, the public queries if the Assemblies in North eastern fully compromised?several time the wary trend of this institution were exposed - who is derailing their powerful voice? Are they politically crossed?or self interest individuals - sanity be restored in few days to election.
The house of representations have voluminouslly failed us- issues that are pertinent to the voters were less addressed today we are complaining of lack of teachers it's too sad .if (leaders) join hand together because they have all resources no doubt such problem won't be an occurring matter- example to lobby,setting up colleges,giving financial support infact here is point blank no political commitments.
However many promise were made to us as voters, we are pipped into dreams of a hopeful future surely those pledges were more of verbal tantrums rally woesm and gerrymandering palaver.
With cheap, crafted skimming tactics this leaders stand less agitated or worry in cheating us with fake influence especially their reelection why obvious they will tell us that the projects they started, albeit few months to elections, are incomplete and that we should give them time to complete them.
They blatantly lie to our faces, and being the sycophants that we are, head to the ballot and elect the same leader who again disappears for the next four years. At this time we may get a little wise and elect another one, with same results and the cycle of our hopelessness continues for another period, say a decade.
One question remains answered is who to be blamed?its us the social fabric the way of doctoring our style of leadership- choosing leaders . We must stand upright to see the thik line between tribal cobwebs and transformation as Nep region.
With negotiated democracy on the mat of discussion we must as voters make a choice in selecting who to led us .
We must favour when endorsing a leader on the basis of performance,we must held accountable whoever is given chance.
We cannot remain us a laughing stock after each every five years, time to set the pace and destabilise the politics of tribal , politics of clannism and see beyond those cliches.
The clock is ticking it's two financial years to the 2022 election in democratic gesture leaders should bring their scorecards especially if they fulfil their promises, the oath they took that they will diligently server the people what if the promise you took from the people never fulfilled? It's a debt you are owed surely we are foolish if we think that we can make a lawful vow and then not pay it. God regards our oaths as sacred and will hold us accountable if we break them.
Its today to consider the oaths you have taken and ask yourself (dear leaders) if you have fulfilled them. If not, repent today and then begin to do what is necessary to fulfill your oaths. In doing so you will affirm the sanctity of truth and live out your confession of faith in our God and the trust of Wananchi.
To strengthen confidentiality, sanity, empowerment, unity ,progress, development leaders from on set they should execute their commitment in ensuring what they vowed in the Holy book be addressed and fulfilled. God will question the responsibility shouldered unto.
For North eastern to develop our leaders must be honest to us not deeply apart in separation of tribal, regional or interest will.
Indeed the region has all its takes to be another Dubai, a gold in the desert but we must have an overhaul in leadership setup. With collective responsibility we must pray, get out the tribal gimmicks politics and our leaders who we entrust in power sincerely execute their duty in accordance with laws religion and inline with the community interest.
For peace, transparency, tranquillity, togetherness, unity, development is our prayers. God bless North eastern, God bless Kenya and entire citizens.
“Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes.” – Peter Drucker
Twitter: @WaWajir
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