Schools to be opened on 23rd January 2023
By. Hashim Jimale
Education Cabinet Secretary has today made clarification on fees increment for secondary schools as from next year.
It is true that next year parents will have to dig deep into into their pockets after following the announcement on the new fee structure in 2023 academic year.
In the new fee structure, parents in national schools will have to pay Sh53,554 as was before the reduction.
Education CS Ezekiel Machogu has made it clear that increment comes after the government has decided to scrap the subsidy on secondary school fees.
CS Machogu made this clarification while speaking at Wajir High school on Wednesdays.
He said that the new fee structure was occasioned by a return to normalcy in the school calendar after the school terms were shortened from 14 weeks to 10 weeks to recover the time lost when schools were closed indefinitely for about six months due to covid-19 pandemic.
Next year the school academic calendar will normalize with academic terms taking the normal weeks as it was before.
The new fees structure for next year was announced in the circular sent to senior education officials indicated the changes.
CS further informed the Kenyas not to panic because there is nothing like changing of school fees.
The ministry of education circular states clearly that the fee for national schools will remain unchanged from Sh53,554 for national schools after the scraping of the government subsidy.
The early learning and basic education PS Julius Jwan wrote and signed the new guidelines on fees structure for next year to all county directors of education.
Next year’s fees guidelines are meant for all national schools, extra county schools, county schools and sub county schools.
According to the guidelines, the government of Kenya will continue offering free primary and secondary basic education.
For secondaday schools, learners in day schools or day scholars will only be required to pay lunch It is true that next year parents will have to dig deep into into their pockets after following the announcement on the new fee structure in 2023 academic year.
In the new fee structure, parents in national schools will have to pay Sh53,554 as was before the reduction.
Education CS Ezekiel Machogu has made it clear that increment comes after the government has decided to scrap the subsidy on secondary school fees.
CS Machogu made this clarification while speaking at Wajir High school on Wednesdays.
He said that the new fee structure was occasioned by a return to normalcy in the school calendar after the school terms were shortened from 14 weeks to 10 weeks to recover the time lost when schools were closed indefinitely for about six months due to covid-19 pandemic.
Next year the school academic calendar will normalize with academic terms taking the normal weeks as it was before.
The new fees structure for next year was announced in the circular sent to senior education officials indicated the changes.
CS further informed the Kenyas not to panic because there is nothing like changing of school fees.
The ministry of education circular states clearly that the fee for national schools will remain unchanged from Sh53,554 for national schools after the scraping of the government subsidy.
The early learning and basic education PS Julius Jwan wrote and signed the new guidelines on fees structure for next year to all county directors of education.
Next year’s fees guidelines are meant for all national schools, extra county schools, county schools and sub county schools.
According to the guidelines, the government of Kenya will continue offering free primary and secondary basic education.
For secondaday schools, learners in day schools or day scholars will only be required to pay lunch fees and the rest will be paid by the government.
The government will give a capitation of KES. 22,244.00 annually for all learners in secondary schools as shown below:
Government capitation for each learner in a boarding school is equal to capitation for each learner in a day school. However, parents whose children are in boarding schools are expected to pay more as per the school category to meet the cost of boarding.
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