The Diaspora shuttle, The Nairobi Wing and the Wajir flex or negotiators
Undoubtedly the FAI community has what it takes to lead the 2027 gubernatorial election but that won't be a Walk in the park - we must bear in mind that their votes are enough for the community to seal a victory. Clans integration was a dream of many leaders, and gave impetus to the creation of the SULTANS . Over the years, many other institutions were also established in Wajir politics but for the most part they did little to increase unity or other interactions among three communities living in Wajir County.
Lately the family had encountered upheaval in realization of political harmonization this left a bigger fault within- The 2022 campaign ever remains a regret in the history of Fai politics- it destroyed the unity and cohesiveness. From the gubernatorial, Member of Parliament, Member, of County Assembly and Women representative they lost respectfully – in the grassroots they were too much kungfu this made a lot indifferences in the community – the Rer Aba Hussein, biggest sub-clan, Rerow Farah, Rerow Gedi all had governor candidate not forgetting Rerow Ismail too had settled various lower representative in short the politics was so murky- Thus made loosing the target.
Wajir politics through the negotiated democracy brought more harm than good, a clear path that we witnessed since devolution – An election that marred with a lot of repetition, hatred, blackmail and hypocrisy- today the community has one executive member in the County government.
The impeachment saga also was synopsis of thriller of debacle in Fai politics, in summing up disunity was inevitable.
On the declaration of leaders from Fai community to set a pace of unity is imperative, this will map out a strategy for the community’s cooperation and integration and lay the foundation for sustainable development. The establishment of The Wajir declaration Unity is pivotal if that urge stays a live – Its aims is to achieve greater unity and solidarity and accelerate the political and socio-economic INTEGRATION of the TARBAJ and EAST bloc. Furthermore, the Initiative and the new development for the BEESHA FAI, call for reforms in the relations between fai Sub-clans and the Ogaden and Ajuran community, especially the highly toxic politics of Wajir County , to overcome the development chasm, political marginalization, the insecurity peril – to thwart the unending disunity that for long created rift, stalemate within.
TO put this unity drama-buzz the community especially those leaders (ADVOCATING) should catapult harder to ensure that the plans be settled – previously the unity of the community was derailed by factors based on the clandestine politics. For now as long as the key bottleneck three set up of brokers exist I foresee this NARRARIVE WILL BE WIPING THE diaper on the floor – literally if I may break down the type of brokers that will not rekindle the FAI NATION UNITY .
Who are the Diaspora shuttle – this is a group of rich individuals who reside in oversea, who in thick and thin fuel (the engine propellers) financial aspect the formation the family politics- if that happened of which they will not be spared they will absolutely go against all odds to ensure that this plans will not go through.
The Nairobi Wing- they are based in Nairobi (plan setters) they sketch the entire family coronation, setting up whom to endorse, vie, how to sell off their preferred candidate, a candidates who they can dictates for their interest – they closely work with Diaspora (THE CUPPUCINO).
The Wajir flex- the tradition based local elders, local brokers the AFAR JEEBLE’’ their role is to make the ground more soft for the candidate who was approved (endorsed by the duo the main players). They organize meetings, family, clan talks – they go round in the constituency to ensure the familiarization is well taken- they are brokers- take handouts, work for certain aspirant. They organize events
The record of integration of FAI Nation so far has been a sobering one, and many hexagon groupings are marked by uncoordinated initiatives, political conflicts and low levels of intra-sub-clan interest. Analysts point out, however, that a number of the external and domestic factors that impeded FAI integration in the past have improved somewhat in recent years, giving grounds for cautious optimism but a fragile connection.
The FAI community has also learned from the failures of past political initiatives. As a result, many proponents of integration now pursue a less grandiose and more practical approach. The community must unite not simply to enhance the County's weight in North Eastern affairs; they say, but also to meet the very real needs of its people. "I want to see intra-constituency integration," says a local elder, "not because we will garner some utopian share of a complete unity, but first and foremost because it will improve our lives here. It will free up the time of our community to achieve greater in development and progress – enhance empowerment. It will make the community’s plight so much more hopeful. We must build for ourselves. If we do that, others will come."
Greater Wajir unity has long not been a cherished -- pipedream -- goal. There is now a renewed impetus to establish closer economic and political ties among the local communities numerous tribes, clans, based on a heightened appreciation of the need for political integration and a clearer understanding of the reasons for past failures.
The idea of better integrating clans especially the Fai has long been promoted by political leaders in speeches, official conferences and formal treaties, although with only limited results on the ground. In recent years, the concept has acquired greater urgency, dramatized by the formal launching of our family politics in the last year’s election – although its objectives never bear fruits.
Recent efforts also reflect a more holistic perspective. Unity cannot be achieved by relying strictly on political initiatives or focusing narrowly on economic dynamics, as had been the case with previous undertakings. We can never hope to separate political and economic imperatives.
Wajir's political and economic integration are "inextricably interlinked," involving democratization of clan politics to ensure the fai community zips its unbwogable unity there a must issues be addressed- In grappling with the challenges of Fai integration efforts in East and Tarbaj, advocates of greater unity must be identified a number of other requirements for success:-- involving civil associations, business groups, professionals and other sectors of society more actively in all integration endeavors, achieving an appropriate balance between public and private economic initiatives, reconciling the sometimes conflicting interests of voters with diverse sizes, natural resources and economic performance, pursuing a pace of integration that is simultaneously ambitious and realistic.
The momentum for integration has come not only from the top. At many levels of society, people are actively seeking to forge more ties with each other. For some, such links already exist. For many others, they still lie in the future.
With rumours in the limelight that the current Eldas legislature Dr. Adan Keynan to seek gubernatorial position in 2027 it will a whip for the community to go beyond the dazzling of pictures in the social media demonstrating united fai nation and go to the grassroots level to make it real- it will be agony if that gesture is just for looking attentions. Honestly from the look of the body language (non-verbal communication) from the leaders it’s a knuckle in the nose- not serious agenda- mouth-say plans. I believe if a community is for united purposely for politics they could unanimously endorsed one individual.
For now as the dust of the jigsaw settle all eyes are on the greater FAI NATION to prove us wrong.
The problem in Kenya, however, continues to be the makeup of the Kenyan political system and its relationship with society, which is due to two interconnected but different phenomena: tribe and tribalism. Tribe can be broadly defined as an association of people who share linguistic, kinship or other similar ties, whereas tribalism is the political mobilization of ‘tribe’ to secure or maintain state resources to the exclusion of other tribes. This distinction is important because it helps us shed the impression that tribe is inferior to race and primordial or atavistic: it simply refers to dynamic, ever-changing identities.
Tribalism, on the other hand, is nowhere near as benign or benevolent. Tribalism leads to neglect and marginalization.
The struggle for ethnic inclusion in power in Wajir County is no doubt felt in the pursue of leadership through the bargained power share deal - on the countdown to for the 2027 election is far four years the question would the fai community maintain its tempo of unity and bring sanity in leadership .As passing wind carries whisper that unity ushered by the leaders already there is a quagmire - would it survive?
May God bring peace, stability, God bless Wajir County.
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