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How Best Wajir county is prepared for El Nino – impossible to deal with disaster

 The Meteorological Department had announced that the country will receive El Nino from October to December 2023, urging the public to prepare adequately. 

Wajir is a prone to conflicts, slow-onset natural disasters such as droughts and famine, and rapid-onset disasters such as floods, land or mudslides, and disease outbreaks.

High levels of malnutrition-related illnesses and deaths, and disruption of livelihoods. Other areas with poor surface water drainage are prone to flooding, resulting in loss of life and property, and outbreaks of waterborne human and animal diseases such as cholera and Rift Valley fever.

Several counties have put in place measures that they will undertake during the period of El Nino, including buying boats and coming up with environmental teams. As expressed fear that the El-Nino rains may cause destruction like flooding, soil erosion and landslides and asked the relevant authorities to sensitize residents about the extraordinary rains.

The question  is Wajir county government heavenly ready to combat El-nino impacts? what are the loopholes needed to be addressed ? and Way forward on preparedness of disaster management.

County governments have revealed the strategies they have undertaken as part of preparation prior to the advent of the El Nino rains later in the year.

Despite the county governments have already put some plans on mitigation measures to curtail the adverse effects of the expected torrential rains which will likely result in flooding the elephant in the room is would the measures put in place be implemented and what actions are yet to do? 

Today many roads within Central business districts are in poor conditions - poor drainage, culvate are full garbage. 

Areas of sonko- mjinga , Stage Griftu, AP ,Afgoye and Many roads that led to residential area need to be cleaned. 

The Wajir hospital referral be ready enough for patients? God for bid if cholera pandemic breaks surely it cannot handle leave of Sub-Counties dispensaries - lot's be fastracked in health, infrastructure and water. 

public awareness,to educate public hygiene infact we don't see programs that catered to the wananchi to tell importance of cleaness - everywhere dirt's, garbage are thrown anyhowly. 

The slaughter house menace- That place is totally horrible- County government through Wajir municipality should workout on how to improve that institution. 

some measures include disaster risk mapping and establishment of early warning systems are some of the agreed proposals by council of governors.

The already launched contingency plans to respond to the disaster must be active.

I think it's imperative for the county governments to build artificial waterways to reduce surface run-off risk of flooding during the El-Nino rains.

Creation of artificial waterways along roads be established so that the water flows well otherwise stagnant water Will be witnessed thus causing water born disease- construction of artificial waterways will reduce surface run-off and risk of flooding, more so, in residential areas-to prevent spill over.

The County government through Local Radio stations should  call on residents especially pastoralist who are living in low lying and flood prone areas to move to higher grounds to avert loss of lives and property.

on realization to mitigate wanton impacts the county government should work together with the national government both technically and financially to ensure lives are saved and no property is lost due to floods.

Yesterday the County Assembly of Wajir passed a motion in the House to resolve an Ad-hoc committee be constituted to investigate on the County's level of preparedness for the expected El-Nino rains.

Farmers also be given preparation for the anticipated heavy rains with farm inputs and  subsidy of crop seed.

As we know the  experienced prolonged droughts that put many people in Jeopardy of loosing livestock, living them poorer however with rains expected the government should empower local farmers, setup pilot projects acres of land under crop cultivation -food crop farming; the region predominantly pastoralists have been guided to diversify into crop farming.

For food security the county government should avail tractors to enable farmers to plough their farms i urge local communities to use of the service to increase productions.

I appeal to government to source for seeds to distribute to needy farmers in order to boost production and make the county food secure.

Finally we should take collective responsibility to ensure live are not lost. 

May God gives us abundant rainfall with no harm. downpour with blessings. 


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