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 Wajir people should embrace to adopt rain-water harvesting techniques.

Residents of Wajir County should take advantage of this rainy seasons in order to harness food security,the rainy season is here with us,for three weeks now it's pounding across the county causing wanton impacts - flood flash, overflowing of dams, the seasonal lakes bursting it's bank. 

The negatives impacts of the rain is beyond human solution- roads impassable, upsurge of food prices , deaths, properties worthy millions destroyed- with millions cubic of water are going into waste it's paramount we act swiftly to conserve this precious commodity.

Today in Wajir county most water catchment areas are developed, blocked due to  houses built on within the stream flow route-  we witnessed acute water shortages- our wells dry up leading to increase of water vendors- Orahey, Guguftu(got-rahma),Shokaa, Adc, which were water catchment areas is now no more due to human encroachment.

water management is vital in our life,we need robust way of dealing against water shortages including harvesting practice.

This is as a way of curbing the perennial water shortages that hit most parts of the county during dry seasons.

In realization of this noble agenda it needs a political will from both sides of the government- national and county.

In Sub-Saharan Africa a recent report says over 250 million people will go thirsty by 2050- That is not far fetched the truth ,we are already feeling the threat of climate change- we must act on resilient programs so that we mitigate more related impacts of global warming.

In a joint efforts to combat water insecurity leaders in our county should at least embark on projects that can ease water harvesting- now there are plenty of enough cubic millimeters of water through their constituency development funds they should propose of constructing of mega dams that will heavenly bost water conservation, food security and even can generate electricity.

The County government has to establish a way to help residents to engage water conservation by proactively construct or make water pans that they will be used to store harvested water. Thus, will save them from facing serious water shortages-  underground reservoir capable of storing 5,000 cubic metres of water for sanitary use and for irrigation of farms.

Also the Administration should  come up with pilot projects in each Ward ,the county government being the propeller in  giving financial and technical support for the construction of rainwater harvesting dams that can hold up to 100 million litres of water.

Almost every dry season, especially the months of January up to March, seasonal rivers, dams and streams dry and water dwindles from dams as we witnessed causing anxiety amongst pastoralist . To avoid conflicts arising from these situations, Wajir residents should harvest more rainwater as this will save them when dry seasons start- conservation of water yields cohesion, peace and tranquility within pastoralist life cycle.

With no iota it has been observed that every dry season, Wajir county protest against water shortages- the drying up of the wells, herder's migrating to other counties- This cause of  quagmire resulting bloodshed .

By way of properly making water pans to store the harvested water, the important commodity will save live more than two years or more whereby it can be used both for domestic use and for irrigations.

The government in support of harvesting of water it's good they provide capacity building, civic education about the importance of water conservation- in grant they empower local farmers in giving skills, inputs, solar system,tanks and enhance agro-farming - through local food production in our county therefore we will be free from  hunger and poverty.

The government both National and county should  offer the best knowledge or  the expertise required to make these pans - capacity building, offering skills know how. But again,to install a better way  people should understand the situation is normally as a result of nature. And as a way of improving the situation, I am appealing to all residents to plant more trees and protect water catchment areas.

In our homes we must be active of initiating water conservation practice project through  roof-top water harvesting systems not even forgetting at schools, universities or work place- the self local approach plans.

In the current floodwaters we are experiencing is sweeping homes and property if we could have constructed water storage capacity no doubt it would have reduced that problem of water shortages, and also cut erosion in our county.

It's our collective responsibility to ensure we take step up of harvesting water whenever we are blessed with rains- water governance is vital as climate change continues creating havoc globally. 


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